Pluto Explained || Esoteric Astrology


Lecture Outline

Omnipotent, Alchemical Force.  The most intense.

Cerebrus = Nature, Cause, Accident.


If life is a living Hell you can call on Pluto for help.  

But Pluto is not a magic Pill.

It points out your vices, addictions, and our own undoing.  

He can show us how to transform our base ideas and perceptions to higher spiritual concepts.  


Who is Pluto

The God of the Underworld.

Like the Land.

A seed is Pluto and as it fights through the dirt.  

It eventually has to burst out of the ground into the heavens.   

So Pluto is pointing out the things that are holding you back that are not obvious.

Like a Flower that germinates its seed and repeats the process all over again.

It’s a Natural Process of Life and Rebirth.


If the Acorn is the be an Oak Tree it has to trust its innermost and dive deep in the soil to be reborn again.  It doesn’t feel that its Acorn life is supreme there must be more to the story.

Pluto is Greek for Riches. Hades god of the Underworld and profound transformation.

The Sower of the Celestial Seed.


Pluto in your Chart


Pluto in your chart shows what you need to sacrifice for your Soul Growth.

My Pluto is in Libra. 1st House. (Toxic Relationships)

So my transformation comes in the form of Relationships.

Being a Leader based on my perceptions.  

Trusting my Journey because it is leading me somewhere.

It shows how we bond with people and how we share resources, material and immaterial.  


1971 – 1984 Pluto was in Libra = Growing up with problems in the home.  Divorce. Single Parent Household. Where is Daddy?


1984 – 1995 Pluto was in Scorpio = Crack and Violence Epidemic, Aids, Teen Pregnancy


1995 – 2008 Puto was in Sagittarius = The Great Awakening, Alerting Souls to their path, A set up for Fate, Barack Obama


2008 – 2023 Pluto will be in Capricorn = Theories and ideals are brought down to earth and put into practice, and anything that doesn’t work is thrown out – no matter how noble.


How does Pluto Show up?


Power, Sex, Death and the Afterlife, Transformation + Reinvention + Regeneration, Wealth, Unconsciousness


Pluto – Root Chakra


The first Chakra is co-ruled by Pluto and Saturn (The Lord of Fate)

The Root Chakra is where you connect to the Earth. (Pluto is the God of the Underworld)

Survival, Grounding, and Connecting you (your Soul) to your Body.

The Root Chakra like the Foundation to a House is necessary for all other subsequent Chakras to operate fully.  

The Root Chakra = Home of your Spiritual Essence.  

Trust and Safety issues our resources (material and immaterial), Talents, Gifts and Abilities, and how we are handling this in our life.  

Balance to this Chakras brings alignment into your life.  

Unbalance to this Chakra causes confusion.

Root Chakra nurturing yourself, healthy boundaries, being comfortable.  

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is one of the main blocks to the Root Chakra.  

Among the diagnostic criteria for PTSD are that an individual physically feels the toll of the traumatic events.

For PTSD sufferers, the trauma intrudes on visual, auditory, and somatic reality

“Individuals with PTSD suffer inundation of images, sensations, and behavioral impulses disconnected from context, concepts and understanding.”

re-experiencing the event or having flashbacks, avoiding reminders of the trauma, chronic hyperarousal in the autonomic nervous system, or essentially being stuck in the fight or flight mode of survival, leading to a high startle response or “jumpiness.”


Pluto Wounding | Why?


Violence, Abuse, and Terror.

Something that has left behind a psychological scar.  

Damage, Demeaning Put Downs, Humiliation.  Feelings of being tormented.

Pluto makes you feel like you are nothing. Why?

Feelings of hate, revulsion, disgust, and loathing.

Pluto is the Black Sheep. Being ridiculed and made to feel small and helpless.

The feelings deeply felt. (The feelings you don’t show on the surface)

Low points. Depression. Scary situations you are not emotionally prepared for. (Parenthood, Tragedy)

Pluto is where the Volcano is in your Chart.  It can lay dormant for long periods. Then all of a sudden. Hate and Vitriol is ever present.  

Since we never dealt with it we develop destructive habits to suppress the dormant rage.

Dealing with Pluto is the feeling of spiraling downwards to the deepest of lows following a Long and Powerful journey back to the surface.

Pluto is the Polarity to Earth. Earth is the physical Body. There is no “earth” in astrology. It is only you.

So Pluto relates to the spiritual aspects of life, it can alter and challenge you, but it can never destroy you. It has to show you this in order for you to Evolve.

The Love for your Spiritual Awareness supersedes your Earthly relationship, the fact that you have to sacrifice that is painful.

Birth and Rebirth are painful processes. The pain of birth. The pain of death.

Leaving a comfortable containment for the unknown is needed for evolution.

Pluto is the tool for tapping into Spiritual Will.


Pluto God of Wealth, King of the Dead, wears the Helmet of Invincibility.  He is fair, doesn’t pity, impossible to stop.  


Pluto is influential but in order to understand its influence you have to come to a personal realization on how Pluto shows up in your life.  It is not a scapegoat.


In order to transform the body it must first be inserted in your mind first and Pluto is the Seed.




“As one door closes, another one opens” – Anon


“I die daily” – St James


“All things must pass” – Proverb


“Sometimes one has to get to zero before you know the score” – Author


“Though lovers be lost, love shall not; and death shall have no dominion” – Dylan Thomas


“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff comfort me” – Book of Common Prayer from Psalm 23 v.4


“Behold, I make all things new” – Revelation ch.22, v.2


“If there wasn’t death, I think you couldn’t go on” – Stevie Smith in the Observer 9 November 1969, p.21


Look within. Within is the fountain of the good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig. – Marcus Aurelius


“…the Ancient One (the personality, the Dweller) is no longer seen. He sinks to the depth of the ocean of life; he descends into hell, but the gates of hell hold him not. He, the new and living One (Initiate) leaves below that which has held him down throughout the ages and rises from the depths unto the heights, close to the throne of God”


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